In many ways, race is an outdated concept that refers to biological differences among human populations that don't really exist in the way many people think they do. But race is also a social phenomenon that is deeply significant to many people's sense of meaning. So how should we think about, and use the term, "race"?
Why is love such a potent experience? Is it just down to a biological imperative to mate, or is there something transcendental about it? In this episode, we discuss love from the perspectives of philosophy, anthropology and science.
Business is the new Rolex watch. It seems to signal our importance. But are we "spending" our time effectively? Or wasting it keeping busy and not doing the things that mean the most?
Birds can sing, dogs can bark, but only we compose symphonies or dance until the wee hours. Why? Where does music come from? How did it evolve? And what function does it serve today?
The election of Donald Trump to be President of the United States came a shock to many. Why? And what can be done about the polarisation of views that makes it so hard for those who support and oppose Trump to even talk to each other constructively?